SLA | Hetz Enterprises

Top Custom Web Design Services for Your Business Success

Starting at 75 EUR per month


Would you like to position your company even stronger in online marketing to achieve maximum success? Our tailored web design solution provides you with all the tools you need for it. With our full-service offering, you benefit from a dedicated contact person who is available to you for 60 minutes per month for updates and further developments of your web presence. Thanks to our own SLA support ticket system from Jira, you can be sure that your concerns will always be handled professionally and promptly. 


Our customized web design is created with the latest web technologies and offers you a unique design that is perfectly tailored to your brand and your needs. In addition, you get exclusive access to Adobe Stock images to enrich your website with high-quality graphics and images. 


We host your website on our own servers, developed and maintained according to the highest quality standards and current software standards. Monitoring is done through Google Search Console to ensure optimal performance and indexing in search results. Additionally, we use Cloudflare's CDN network to optimize your website's loading speed and increase security. 


We carefully monitor your web presence and guarantee continuous quality assurance according to the highest industry-specific standards such as ISTQB standards, ISO 9001, ISO 25000, and ISO 27001. Thanks to our full-service package, you will become a successful entrepreneur in the digital world.

Full-Service Package

Full Service
ab 75€/Monat

  • Hosting

  • de. Domain inkl.
  • Virtual Server Linux Advanced 8.3
  • SSL Zertifkat Domain und Mail
  • unbegrenzte Emailkonten / Webmailer
  • unbegrenzte Subdomains

  • Support

  • 1h Support inklusive über das Jira Ticketsystem
  • Regelmäßige CMS Updates (monatlich)
  • GitHub Versionierung
  • Automatische Backups

  • Webdesign

  • Responsive Webdesign
  • Individuelles Design mit Bootstrap 5
  • CMS System
  • Redakteur Zugang
  • AdobeStock Bilder
  • unbegrenzte Seitenanzahl
  • Onsite SEO & SEO ready
  • Google API Zugang
  • Search Console Anmeldung
  • CDN Cloudflare Anmeldung
  • DSGVO Konform
  • BFSG (Barrierefreiheitsgesetz) Konform

Unsere Kunden

Here you find a small selection of our customers. If you would like to find out more, take a look at our project list or simply contact us